Don’t Just Update, Dominate: The Regression Testing in SAP Sales Cloud!

How Can You Keep Your Tech Kingdom from Going Crazy with Every New Change?
What's the Buzz about Regression Testing?

Alright, picture this: you’re making a cake and you’ve got your ingredients perfectly measured. 

But then, your oven gets an upgrade and suddenly your cake comes out as a pancake! Regression testing swoops in to save the day.

It's like taste-testing each ingredient before you bake, making sure your cake – or in this case, your SAP system – still comes out perfect, even with those fancy releases. process at times and also not very effective; that’s why it is advised to take inspiration before coming up with a slogan or a tagline.
Making Manual Testing a Breeze

Manual regression testing requires a few key elements to ensure success. First, assemble a team of skilled testers who understand the intricacies of SAP Sales and Service Cloud. Provide them with comprehensive test scripts that outline each step of the process.

These scripts act as the roadmap, guiding testers through the tests.


These examples highlight how regression testing can be tailored to specific objects within SAP Sales and Service Cloud.
Remember, the key is to cover both new functionalities and existing core processes to maintain a stable and efficient SAP environment.

1. Case: Account Management Object

Let’s say you’re working with the Account Management object in SAP Sales and Service Cloud. A release is on the horizon, promising to enhance the way account information is displayed and managed. Here’s a glimpse of the regression testing cases you might consider:

  • Test Account Information: Verify that the account details are correctly displayed after the update. Check for any missing or incorrect data, ensuring that the new changes haven’t caused any glitches.
  • Account History: Ensure that the account history, including past interactions and transactions, is still accessible and accurate. This ensures that your team can continue to provide top-notch service to your customers.
2. Case: Service Request Handling Object

Imagine you’re dealing with the Service Request Handling object. An update promises to streamline the process of handling service requests. Your regression testing cases might look like this:

  • Creating Service Requests: Test the process of creating new service requests. Make sure that all the required fields are functioning correctly and that the new update hasn’t introduced any errors in this critical process.
  • Workflow Validation: Check the workflow of service requests to ensure that they are being routed to the correct teams for resolution. Make sure that the update hasn’t disrupted the flow of tasks.
3. Case: Product Object

Now, let’s explore the Product object. An update is in the works to refresh the user interface and improve product search capabilities. Your regression testing cases could include:

  • Product Search: Test the new search functionality to ensure that products can be easily located based on keywords, categories, or attributes. Confirm that the search results are accurate and relevant.
  • Product Details: Verify that the product details page displays accurate information, including pricing, descriptions, and availability. Ensure that the update hasn’t caused any discrepancies in this crucial area.
4. Case: Reporting and Analytics

Lastly, consider the Reporting and Analytics aspect. An update is rolling out to enhance the reporting capabilities of SAP Sales and Service Cloud. Here are some regression testing cases to consider:

  • Report Generation: Test the process of generating various reports, ensuring that the data is being pulled correctly and that the formatting remains intact. Confirm that the new update hasn’t introduced any errors in report generation.
  • Data Integrity: Validate the accuracy of the data presented in the reports. Ensure that the calculations, metrics, and trends are consistent with the pre-update performance.

In the landscape of SAP Sales and Service Cloud, regression testing emerges as the compass that guides you through every update and implementation.


It safeguards the reliability of your systems and keeps disruptions at bay.


Whether you opt for manual testing, automated testing, or a blend of both, the goal remains the same:

To ensure that your SAP ecosystem functions as smoothly as a finely-tuned engine.

As we journey through the dynamic world of SAP Sales and Service Cloud, remember that regression testing isn’t just a checkbox – it’s your ticket to sustained excellence.